Who Has A Personal Story Of Faith? Spiritual Or Otherwise.
There is a direct relationship between fear and faith. Yo the extent you have one, you will not have the other. I visualize it like a windshield wiper going back abd forth. If you find yourself with fear, find faith and it will go away. Faith can be in a religious sense, faith in your medical deal, faith in pharmaceuticals treating your disease, or any combination thereof. Faith replaces fear!
Hello Curt. I have an answer for you. I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma at the end of 2016. It was found do to me fracturing my thoracic spine in 3 places that caused kyphosis which was crushing my lungs. I underwent surgery on my spine that was to stabilize the spine. I went into respiratory arrest in the recovery room. My wife hit the floor on her knees praying that I would pull through. I did! Since that time I’ve been rushed into surgery for torsions to my colon that put me on deaths door. While being wheeled into surgery I would say a prayer and put it in God’s hands. Each time when the surgeon left the room to talk to my wife they would tell her that I’m a miracle and that they had never seen a patient as bad as I was pull through with no problems.
So my motto has been that it’s always in his mighty hands. God is good!!
The arthritis in my back has been getting worse. To the point I can’t sleep hardly at all. The other night, as I was laying in bed trying to sleep, I prayed to god, please take the pain away for awhile, so I can sleep. Next I knew, the pain disappeared, and I was able to go to sleep. God does listen.
My minister anointed my head and he and the ladies from my Bible study laid hands on me and prayed for me. Just like in the book of James. It took away my anxiety. I felt at peace. It helped that they finally found a treatment that worked. I think I got a lot more support from my church family than members if my own family. 🙏💕
Shipmate Pbaldini, I read your story about faith. Wow, that was. Very powerful story about your children. I too have great faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ, without him we are nothing. I also say, Jesus, I place my trust in thee. Whatever he has in store for me is his plan. Who am I to doubt? If my back pain is too painful, I offer it up to him. He will get me through it. When I had my SCT he helped me get though my 20 day hospital stay. I thought I was going to die between the diarrhea, mouth sores, throwing up, not eating and my hair falling out. With God all things are possible. I’ve seen miracles in my life where there was no hope. Just trust in the Lord, he will see us though. Our church had the relic of St. Jude last month. I went to see it and prayed for all of us MM shipmates. I also said the St. Peregrine Novena. Today, was the last day of the novena. Like my 94 year old Mom tells me, we are in God’s Hands. So true. Have a blessed day!
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