Normal Electrophoretic Pattern Vs. MRD Number.
For years now, my Electrophoresis number has been " not detected". Is this the same as an MRD reading?
The answer is not even close. One is a blood test, the MRD test uses bone marrow, the gold standard for now. In the works is a test for MRD using blood. But that’s just not available, generally speaking.
They are different but it’s always a good sign!
MRD is a bone marrow test. Far different from a blood draw for electrophoresis. MRD testing with a blood draw is not too far off - we all hope.
Normal electrophoresis is great. No myeloma protein. Clonoseq that does mrd testing also sequences the myeloma cells so doctors can tell how our myeloma changes over time. It's done on bone marrow. They haven't perfected the blood test yet.
So MRD is a whole other test.....NGS.
Porque En La Orina Hay Burbujas?
Average Age Of Onset Of Multiple Myeloma
Normal Pattern. No Monoclonal Proteins Detected