It Looks Like That The Medications Are All Really Bad For People Wi MM . It Appears That The Best Thing Is Not Taking Any Medication For MM
Wow. The law firm of Kline and Specter would love to talk with the patients of those doctors. If any of them are not receiving proper care the firm will sue them into oblivion for malpractice. But I guess what you are saying is no chemo, no radiation, just let the MM progress. I would be dead now. Which begs the question, is it better to have no treatment and no side effects from chemo and radiation or have the side effects and live longer.
I’ll live with the effects. IMHO
I'll be 81 in a week or so and have been on meds since October. I get Daratumumab and Lenalidomide and was just taken off Dex after 3 months. No side effects except fatigue. I was also getting some injections for bone strength and taking Calcium, since I also have osteoporosis and have some lytic lesions. Also, I take a few things for prevention or for other conditions. Everything else, I had before or are results of a couple of bad falls. I did have decreased appetite for a while, which I saw as a positive (needed to lose weight), but it is back now. Strangely, the Dex made me sleepy, instead of wired as it does most people. My blood test results, I'm told, look very good. I prefer fighting to just sitting and waiting to die. It will happen eventually, but I have thousands of books still to read in my Kindle Library and if my torn rotator cuff permits, I will be planting my indoor hydroponic garden again. I also have pets and do not want to think of having to find new homes for them. Everyone does get to make their own choices. Mine has been to find a specialist and try to live to 104.
Suppose everyone wants to live a long life and not be involved with myeloma and chemo. I get that. However, considering the alternative the immunology chemo is not that bad for at least 85% of the patients. It is a horrible choice to have to make for so many reasons. I just want to say from my POV choosing the treatment I have been rewarded. Cannot imagine a doctor advising otherwise. Peace to all and best regards on all your choices.
I’ve been criticized by some members of the group because I said that I will never have chemotherapy or radiation in my body. I think that everyone should make a decision without being criticized. I have talked to several doctors who told me that they will never use chemotherapy or radiation on themselves or recommend it to a family member. That’s a personal decision that one can make at the time is recommended. Chemotherapy does not cure cancer and never will.
Agreed. I’m balancing quality and quantity. My quality is pretty darn good. And I’m optimistic about quantity now. Presidential election 2036 would be nice!
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