I Have Been Diagnosed With SMM And Have Started Treatment… Should I Have Gotten A Second Opinion Before Starting Treatments?
Most Oncologists who specialize in MM, will not treat you with Smoldering MM. You should get a second opinion from a MM Specialist. TheMMRF.org has a list. I’m in Orange County and had a had time finding one. After 4 Oncologists, I found Dr Sarah Larson at UCLA. She is great. I did go to City of Hope for a second opinion , but they would not take me as a patient until I had MM. I asked my doctor why they wait, and she said MM is not like other cancers and because it’s not curable, if you start treatments too early, your organs may fail. The treatment can be hard. I changed my diet and started taking supplements and my bad numbers have gone down. Dr Brandy has a book called “Beat Back Cancer Naturally.” It can really help you. He has MM.
Oncologists are professional and respect each other. Your local Oncologist will be happy to refer you for a 2nd Opinion with a MM Specialist. I never had a problem. Local Oncologists are happy to work with MM Specialist Oncologists because they are not experts in treating this disease.
As you can see from here most people with SMM do not get treatment. If your doctor is recommending treatment than I would ask them why. It could be that you are high risk or it could be that you are on the border between SMM and MM. I know there are treatments for SMM even though most of us don't get them. If I was high risk or getting close to having MM I would ask for them even though I did not yet have MM.
My opinion has clashed with cancer specialists. You understand how your body feels and either way treatment or not there are risks. I have been treatment free since being diagnosed with iga kappa smouldering multiple myeloma. I have had bone pain most nights but I am still alive. One day at a time if your blood levels aren't extreme. Watchful waiting is a very good idea.
I will look that book up, it sounds like it’s a must read.
I’m finished my 4th infusion treatments with other meds and started having bad side effects.
Throwing up, Brain Fog, etc.
Doctor took me off all treatments and meds for 5 weeks for Christmas Holidays. I feel back the way I was feeling before starting. A little tired, but good.
I’d like to back to watchful waiting with 3 mth routine blood tests. Is that advisable after starting treatments?
Crazy, but I’m afraid to offend my haematologist if I ask for a MM Specialist. How do they react when their patients ask for a 2nd opinion?
My Myeloma Specialist Just Wants To Wait And See As My Numbers Keep Going Up. When Did You Decide To Get A Second Opinion.
I Have Been Diagnosed With Light Chain Multiple Myeloma. My Doctor Will Not Treat Me Now. Has Anyone Had Treatments In The Early Stages?
Do I Need A Second Opinion? Is It Common Practice?