Anyone Care To Share Their Experience With Stem Cell Transplant? I Hear It Is Horrible.
I have stage 3 Multiple Myeloma
I was very nervous to have the stem cell transplant. But I did it anyway. I’m only a little over 100 days out. Almost complete remission and in maintenance. I decided that I needed to do everything possible to fight this
Stem cell transplant was not that bad, just follow what they tell you to do, yes your tired, stomach diarrhea n weakness but it’s all worth it
My husband told me the knee replacement surgery was much harder than the stem cell transplant. The nurses involved with sct were always one step ahead with nausea meds, etc. He walked laps on his ward every day and ate even when it tasted blah.
Different patient in MM transplant will never get the same experience. I just go through the transplant 3 months ago. I got the pain so terrible, body cold, headache, sore throat n mouth , leg pain fm knee to toe 3/4 pain level no appetite, loss weight the hair all gone maybe l not go for another transplant
No. It is not horrible. My doctor told me every possible reaction and I only had half of them. He said you will be real sick on days 5, 6, and 7 so I was prepared. Day 6 I did not walk the halls (they want you walking every day) and just laid in bed. They constantly check your blood levels and restore whatever is needed. All food tastes gross, even your favorite so be ready to drink Ensure. I told doc it was like traveling through a wormhole. You fall in helpless, bottom out and then see the light at the end of the tunnel. By day 14 you go home; weak but alive. Your WBC will go to zero during that day 5, 6 and 7. My ASCT ended June 3, 2023.
How Many Days Did You Spend Harvesting Cells?
Caregivers During ASCT
Can Anyone Share Their Experience With Stem Cell Transplant And The High Dose Chemo Leading Up To It?