How Long Should The Treatment-free Period Be Before The Stem Cell Harvest Takes Place?
I had 4 cycles of DVRD. I think the rest period was about 4 weeks m. But during that time I was very busy getting all of the prep tests, port, and prep injections. I am sure the time frame has some variability depending on bed availability. Hope that helps.
The treatment-free period before the stem cell harvest typically lasts about two weeks. This allows the body to recover from prior treatments and ensures the best possible condition for harvesting stem cells.
This AI-generated response comes from MyMyelomaTeam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.
My rest period should have been 4 weeks but turned into 8 weeks because of some urgent oral surgery. That had to heal prior to SCT.
CarolDFisher, what was the "conditioning" chemo that they gave you and had u got any troubles with it?
Depends on your regimen. UAMS does stem cell transplant first thing, and I had what they call “conditioning” chemo and then immediately after that, big doses of Neupogen/Granix to stimulate stem cell production then the harvest. Since my bone marrow had not been damaged by a lot of previous chemo, I collected very quickly and easily. Two 2.5 hr sessions and I had 50 million cells. They called me a “Supercollector”!😃
Stem Cell Harvesting
Hi All , For Those Of You Who Have Had An SCT, Can You Tell Me How Long After Induction They Usually Do The Transplant? I
Stem Cells Transplant