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Top 3 search results for "Avinza" in Resources. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Have you ever put someone else’s needs ahead of your own? We all do it — we’re human, after all....

Putting Yourself First

Have you ever put someone else’s needs ahead of your own? We all do it — we’re human, after all....
Yes. No. I mean – maybe? Well, okay. Have you ever wanted to be able to say "no" without feeling...

Are You Afraid To Say No?

Yes. No. I mean – maybe? Well, okay. Have you ever wanted to be able to say "no" without feeling...
Have you ever told a white lie to be kind, to protect the feelings of others, or maybe to simply...

Telling White Lies

Have you ever told a white lie to be kind, to protect the feelings of others, or maybe to simply...