What To Expect With Relapsed/Refractory Myeloma
10 Articles
"The complexities of this disease make me want to read everyone's comments as I learn more and more. The truth is I know enough not to realize how very little I know."
- Member of MyMyelomaTeam
Living with cancer can be difficult and even a burden, but also an opportunity to rid yourself of what you think you know. Have you heard the saying, "People don't get it until they get it"?
That is so true about myeloma.
"The more I learn about myeloma, the more I realize that it's not my fault."
-Member of MyMyelomaTeam
A myeloma diagnosis forces us to drop our negative assumptions about life with cancer. Members on MyMyelomaTeam gain perspective from other members' experiences to become better informed about what it's really like to live with myeloma.
Here are recent conversations from members of MyMyelomaTeam:
"Two small but powerful things happened today. First, I was able to go for a walk outside. Second, I actually bought shampoo for the first time since August! Prior to my transplant I had long, thick hair and went through a lot of shampoo."
"My son and his wife and child came from Oregon and cooked dinner for me. It is things like that that make me happy and I am so grateful for all the love in my life."
What negative assumptions have you let go of about myeloma? Tell us about it in the comments below or directly on MyMyelomaTeam.com.
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I Thought Since I Had Breast Cancer 2 Times, Maybe It Is Coming From That Because Of The Cells Sometimes Escape. I Still Don't No.
What To Expect With Relapsed/Refractory Myeloma
10 Articles
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A MyMyelomaTeam Member
My Kappa is 7.66 and my Lambda is 61.06 and Kappa/Lambda ratio is .13 . Any thoughts on theses numbers? Appreciate any thoughts!
Thanks Will
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