How Much Help Do You Really Require After ASCT? Is Having Another Responsible Adult In The House Enough?
I doing all the things on my own but my wife will be with me because after my SCT l still can moving around not so bad as what I thought.
It’s depends on individual how your body responds.Hope you will be an easy one all be going smoothly.
Doing stretching and like workout is good if you have the energy…….it helps.
Yes as DonnaAndrew said walking is important l agreed, 3 km a day or walking on the spot about 20 minute.
I am not a doctor or instructor but with the experience l do.😄🥰🙏
Praying for not staying in the ward too long, l stayed about 11 days.
All the best to you and may God bless and be with you on this journey.😊
Another responsible adult in the house is needed at least for the first week. If that person has medical knowledge, a family member or friend, that will be a plus. My wife is a retired critical care nurse so I had that covered. Hope all goes well with your SCT.
Great help, thank you Dorothy!
Thanks so much for your comments they really help as no one can understand this like someone who has been through it.
Stay well....Laura
@A MyMyelomaTeam Member - Call your Doctors &/or health care facility who should give you a choice as to how to forward your phone message - select/choose the "emergency" or something similar to get the message to your doctor right away or go to ER/ED or call Urgent Care Clinic. As suggested by DBScott's post, be sure to find out from your Doctors & medical facility the tele # & procedure that you should follow when you need to get in touch with them right away! 🫠❤️
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Caregivers During ASCT
I Found Out Today, I Will Be Going In For ASCT Likely Next Week. Any Help As To What To Bring To The Hospital Or Any Helpful Advice In Gener