Has Anyone Been Treated With Car-T Cell Therapy? My Present Treatment Of Xpovio And Pomalyst Is Not, And This Is The Next Step Recommended.
I too had Janssen carvykti last February I have been 0 m spike ever since,I had only one small fever as side effect,,,I consider this a cure...so go for it
Hi, I have had the CAR-T and knock on wood, so far so good. After 2 stem cell transplant and many different chemo cocktails I was sent to Dana Farber in Boston which for me was only 30 minutes away. I was part of a trial and was first on stage 2 of the trial. My trial took only 10 days to prepare my cells rather than the 6-8 weeks that it had been taking. I had the transplant on July 11 2023 and my numbers were 0 by August which was amazing as my numbers were 900 just weeks earlier and I was heading to hospice care. The CAR-T saved my life and now today I am pretty good and I had a PET scan in October which showed no active cancer. I was first diagnosed on July 31 2013 and started chemo on August 8 2013. Since the CAR-T I have not needed any type of chemo. I am on many pills and there was a few side effects but nothing I could not handle. I have had some nerve issues in my hands but I just had surgery to repair my left arm and hand and soon will look at the right side. So long story short, if they are offering it to you, go for it. I was in the hospital for 16 days as they needed certain blood counts to get to a certain level but I found this much easier/better than the stem cell transplants. Good luck. Gary
Hi again, just noticed you are in Salem. I live in Beverly so good luck neighbor.
I had Carvykti Car T last January. I am in full remission and feel great!!
CAR-T cell therapy has shown promising results for multiple myeloma, especially for those with relapsed or refractory cases. Studies indicate that many people experience reduced cancer signs, with some achieving complete remission. However, it’s not a cure, and side effects like cytokine release syndrome can occur. If your Show Full Answer
Doc Says My Next Step Is CAR-T Cell Therapy. Has Anyone Had CAR-T Therapy?
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