What Would Cause A Non-existent K/L Light Chain Ratio (with Below Normal Kappa And Lambda Light Chains)?
@A MyMyelomaTeam Member Thanks Larry...the weird thing is that I feel good (go figure) and my WBC is on the higher end and all my other labs look great, so this is bizarre. Dr. B says low is better than high (LOL), but taking it one day at a time. I'll keep you posted as I learn more...never a dull day.
It’s typically from the MM Meds and will continue with their use.
Now that I’m on No MM Meds for over a year and MRD Negative, all of these have slowly returned to Normal levels. An important part is I didn’t Collect my Stem Cells (no nasty chemicals involved) and I’ve had no SCT (significant damage to my immune system and bone marrow microbiome).
Hello, Immunoparesis causes low light chains and low unaffected immunogloblins, meaning if you have IgG MM, then IgA and IgM are low. Researchers don't fully understand why MM suppresses the immune system in some cases but likely a parneoplastic-autoimmune response to the MM. My presentation of MM was recurring infections and hospitalizations.
Sally, my light chains are low with a normal ratio. Are your immunoglobins also low? Low immunoglobins can make us more prone to infections.
Hi Sally - Sorry to hear. This last 18 months, by changing to a Plant Based Diet, has significantly accelerated my recovery to Normal Labs, of course being off All MM Meds for just over a year. You might want to Consult with Dr Brandy if you can't get any helpful info from your Onc.
What Were Your Kappa Levels At The Highest Point Before Treatment? What Was Your Highest K/L Ratio? Thank You, Curt ( Newfoundland )
What Does It Mean When Your Labs Results Come Back Saying Your Kappa Lambda Light Chain Is High
What Is Considered An Acceptable Kappa/Lambda Ratio Or What Number Is Worriesome?