The VA Has 'accepted' That Ed's MM Came From Agent Orange Exposure. We'd Like To To Hear From Others With That Diagnosis.
Yes! He deserves compensation
He is receiving compensation. He wouldn't speak to a VA Rep, at first. But when I retired and costs were going to be out of our reach, he relented. Probably will save us in the end!
I hope Ed gets some compensation. I appreciate his service. I'm sorry this happened to him.
Agent Orange exposure has been linked to an increased risk of developing multiple myeloma, particularly through its connection to MGUS, a precursor condition. Veterans exposed to Agent Orange are more than 11 times more likely to develop myeloma if they had MGUS. The VA provides benefits, including disability payments and Show Full Answer
Does Anyone Have Their Own Personal Theory As To Why They Got Myeloma?
I Have Witnessed Some Married Couples Separate And Divorce When One Of The Partner Gets Cancer. What Causes This Unfortunate Situation?
For Those, High Risk, Aggressive MM Patients, Enduring A Lot Of Pain, Please Let Me Know How Bad Your Pain Is And How Your Being Treated.