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I Need Feedback. I Have A Relative Who Says I’m Using My Smoldering MM As An Excuse To Not Do Things Or Garner Sympathy.

A MyMyelomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
Santa Ana, CA

This relative says SMM is a benign condition that does not cause symptoms. On top of SMM, I have a heart condition, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, Cushing’s from a high corticosteroid, so I am losing my eyebrows and some of my hair. Kidney stone too. I used to be so active, that it bothers me to rest too much. I wish I had the energy.

December 31, 2024 (edited)
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A MyMyelomaTeam Member

A good friend once told me 'Don't let anyone tie your shoelaces who hasn't walked in your shoes'...I've always remembered this and has helped when others have mentioned what they think we should do or not do for my brother Lance...I just say 'thank you for the thoughts, I'll think about that' and then I let it go...didn't at first, but now it's much easier and I think to myself( they have no idea what they're saying)...I even had a good friend say, 'Well, you know, you've given Lance a good life' as if it's over, but I said, 'well, it's not over, till it's over'....praying he has a lot longer! People just don't understand and I've had to accept that and keep my own attitude as good as possible...God bless you all

January 2
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Most people with MM aren't able to do what they used to do so you are not alone in that. In terms of the criticism you receive you didn't say how close you are to the person wh is judging you but unless they are very close 9living in the same house) I would simply not tell them much about my condition. The ore you talk about what is going on with your MM the more they know. So, stop telling them so much. If they ask how you are doing simply say, "I am still here. Thanks for asking," and change the subject.

January 1
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

My counselor would say, "Love them from a distance."

December 31, 2024
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Most people who are healthy have no idea what we go through and they think we should be getting better overnight they don’t realize that multiple myeloma leaves its mark on you especially if you were stage 3 even if your stage was lower it means that mm had plenty of time to wreak havoc on your total bone system cartilage fluids and causes many malfunctions pains weaknesses you never had before. Chemo leaves its damaging effects also.
It’s only prayer right food and supplements exercise if you are able and rest and sleep getting some sun everyday that can heal us back.
If they show no mercy then mercy will not be shown to them at their time of need. Healthy people don’t realize that one day they will be unhealthy and need someone to understand how they feel. Forgive them for they know not what they do.
Stay away from those negative people if you can so you don’t poison yourself. Really we don’t need that at all.
Truth is we are all living and carrying on in a life of pain that they will never know. Shame on them for trying to make you feel guilty when all they need to do is show more compassion!

January 1
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

That is one of the problems I find with a diagnosis of MGUS or SMM . The information sites say that they have no symptoms which is not true. With both MGUS and SMM I have had bone pain as well as fatigue. Most of my family and friends are like yours they say I look fine and don't ask anything about my condition. The only person who really knows how much pain I am really in is my husband because he sees it every day. Also I don't let it stop me from doing things even if I am in more pain afterwards. I figure I should live my life to the fullest while I can as I don't know what the future holds for me. I would do as much as I could and ignore the nay layers.

January 1

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