Are There Any Organizations Out There Who Can Help Myeloma Patients Financially? I Found One, But They Closed Out On The 16th, I Was Late.😔
Financial coach program
A very common concern with newly diagnosed Multiple Myeloma patients . 
Below is a new Financial Coach Program available at Healthtree. 
I have seen various team members struggle with financial issues upon diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma especially if they do not have Medicare or effective healthcare resources. You may want to check out Healthtree as they have a new Multiple Myeloma Financial Coach program. You can use your search engine to locate the Healthtree website. I hope this helps you and others on our team.
Healthtree Multiple Myeloma Coach program
They offer 1:1 free assistance and resources about things that most of the myeloma community worry about or deal with such as:
Financial assistance for copays or deductibles 
Financial help for travel costs, utilities, or urgent needs 
Rx (prescription) expenses assistance 
Questions about health insurance (including appeals, understanding your insurance) 
Social Security Disability questions 
Understanding FMLA or ADA 
Their goal is to give you the financial tools necessary to help you stay on track in your financial life and not experience financial toxicity. Request the help of a free financial coach today!
Stay up to speed on when the next rounds of these various grant programs begin. And apply as quickly as you can. I'm thankful. There's a lot of help out there.
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society provides financial help. Also, they can give you contact information for other groups that assist. Also there is probably a financial aid office at your cancer center. The maker of the meds you take may offer discounts if they know you are in financial straits.
In addition to the info already given your clinic may offer financial assistance for treatments and tests.
Drug companies like Bristol Myers Squibb also offer copay assistance
Is MM A Disease Of The Wealthy Or Better Off, I See Very Few Complaints About Financial Costs.
I Wanted To Know If Anyone Can Point Me In The Right Direction For Financial Support?
Financial Assistance