One Thing That's Perplexing To Me After My SCT, I Was Under The Impression That If That Puts You Into Remission, Why Would You Get Fatigue?
Just something that I was curious about seems like your energy level would go back close to normal if you were in remission.
Yeah it’s the heavy duty chemo that kills your complete immune systems completely and so that you are basically starting from scratch to rebuild your immune systems back to normal as they recover from the chemo. Your body is basically like a new born baby and your body needs a lot of rest to rebuild your entire body back to the best that it’s going to be. So your body needs a great deal of time to recover and rebuild your body to what took our bodies 50 plus years in my case to achieve and the type of fatigue doesn’t make itself any better when you take a nap..💤. Your body is trying to heal after being clobbered with the worst things that you will ever experience and when your body says that you need a nap listen to your body or you will feel a lot more fatigued.
Hello. I had my SCT 4 1/2 years ago and have been in complete remission with no relapse since
I have taken no medication for over 2 years. I was extremely fatigued for 1 year, the moderately fatigued the second year. I've been fatigued free for some time now, so it doesn't mean it will be there forever. It is dependent on any relapses and medications you are taking.
Depending on the medication you are taking, you will still be tired.
Yes fatigue is just a very normal side effect of the MM and treatments for the MM because a lot of my pills can cause fatigue and more pain which I definitely could do without that but one day at a time and keep in mind all the things that you are grateful for. Like I’m still alive after 22 years of fighting with the MM Cancer.
Roderick - I recovered well, and I think fairly quickly from my SCT. I was never in complete remission but considered stable. SCT only lasted 8 months before my first relapse. I've now had Carvykti, strict CR but lasted only about 11 months and am now on Bispecifics - Talvey, numbers greatly reduced and feeling better. Fatigue seems to just go along with everything they do and myeloma being a sneaky constancy in your life. I think it must be very hard for providers to think of everything to tell you, since each person reacts differently to treatment. Have an open honest discussion with the hem-onc that you most trust, don't hold back. He/she will probably tell you, yes, ongoing fatigue is a hallmark of myeloma. Life is changed. Permanently. I have learned to expect pretty much anything may happen.
Hello My Beautiful MM Family, I Had A SCT, In October, I’m Feeling Great, What Are The Chances Of Relapsing After A Sct? Thank You
Maintenance Therapy
How Long After Diagnosis Did Everyone, Get A SCT?