Hello Have Anyone Experienced Blue Lumps In Various Areas On Your Body And They Are Sore
Blue lumps that are sore could potentially be related to multiple myeloma, as this condition can sometimes cause skin changes, including lumps or lesions. These could be due to bone lesions, soft tissue involvement, or other complications. It’s essential to consult your oncologist or healthcare provider immediately to Show Full Answer
LadyT, please have your oncologist examine the areas🥰
Rarely I notice a small black and blue mark somewhere and never remember hitting or bumping something, but no lumps or bumps.
No I have not
I Googled it, since I was curious if this was bruising. It said, “Blue lumps” are not typical presentation of MM, but in rare cases, a condition called “cryoglobulinemia” associated with MM can cause purplish or blue-colored skin lesions, particularly when exposed to cold temperatures, due to abnormal proteins clumping together in the blood: this is often accompanied by symptoms like joint pain and numbness in the finger and toes.
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