What Is A Fever If The Average Temperature Is About 76 Degrees?
I asked a nurse if my temperature went up to eighty something or ninety, does that mean I have a fever? She said no, that the standard is still about 100 degrees. Is this true?
That....is common sense to me!
Sorry I just saw this! A fever depends on what your normal healthy temperature is. The idea that your base temperature should be at about 98 no longer applies. It is starting to be realized that everyone has a slightly different base temperature so that measuring fever should be based on individual illness free body temp. We use Celsius, and Celsius body temp is based on 37. However my base has always been 36.3. In this case a temp of 37.3 is a fever for me. I tell that to whoever is taking my temp. That gives a more accurate reflection of whether I have a fever or not.
Hi, the standard watching is 100 degree only. As per my doctor, 99 plus u should be watchful and let the team know if it crosses 100 degree Celsius. Rgds
Hi Kathryn, for me, if I’m running a temp of 99 something and I’m not feeling well, something is wrong. I normally run low. So be aware of what’s normal for you. Take care!
Yeah 100 plus you git a body fever keep watch check with doc if last more than 48 hours or goes up. Pray you feel better👍
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