Does Anyone Know How To Lower Their Glucose Levels....
I was recently told that I was at very low end of being prediabetic so I have made two changes to my diet. I avoid sugar. If I want a treat I am not eating sugar free cookies most oatmeal. Second thing is I am eating whole wheat everything as I recently told my husband if it is white it is probably not good for us. This came up with pizza crust and pasta. So he has now bought whole wheat pasta and pizza crusts. We were already eating whole wheat breads etc. I don't know yet if my sugar (glucose) levels are down (won't be tested again until Feb) but I have lost seven pounds, have not been hungry and I don't feel like I am on a diet.
I have the same problem with you and the doctor told me to drink more water, less sugar and some time you will feel tired , lazy .lower your carbo intake and try potassium but limit it because MM the main cause is the potassium level.
This is what the doctor always checks on my potassium .
Limit carbohydrates, especially processed ones. Eat more vegetables. Get some aerobic exercise. Weight lifting builds muscle which controls glucose levels. Drinking lots of water lowers glucose levels. Ask you doctor about lowering your dexamethasone dose. Dex raises blood sugar. I hope this helps 🥰
If you are taking steroids like Dex, that may be hard. You can probably do it somewhat with diet and exercise.
already drink plenty of water and his dex is 2 mg...every Friday, so will talk to doctor and try to watch his carbs. :)
My Husband Is On Pomayst, Dara, Dex And His Last Appointment His Potassium Was Up And Also His Glucose....will Get His Blood Labs Rechecked
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