My Brother Started Burping After He Eats Now Each Time; Anyone Able To Give Me An Answer If It Has To Do With Multiple Myeloma?
Not sure it is a direct side effect of MM, but likely an effect of the drugs used to treat it such as Revlimid / Lenalidomide which are known to cause numerous gastrointestinal issues.
You’re welcome anytime.
Thank you ArchiebaldMarjGmailCom - I've tried getting Lance to eat slower, he is a fast eater - will take your suggestions of cutting food really small as well..God bless.
My husband got hiccups from dex. Maybe check into that too🙏❤️
I have to eat real slow and cut everything really small or I get regurgitation and burping so then I have to take a short break and let everything to settle down.
Hello MM Family What Is The Difference Between Remission And Cancer Free? Are They Consider The Same. Please Give Feedback.
Have Any Others Been Diagnosed With MGUS And Not Ever Developed MM??