Has Anyone Had Cart T. If So Would You Be Willing To Receive A Phone Call From Me. Thank You. JoAnn.
Deena: did your mom's cognition come back completely? And what treatment is she on now that she relapsed? Thank you...I am grateful to learn as much as possible. Blessings. Joann
Thank you for sharing your mom's experience. It sounds rough. Fortunately my MM is minimal and not aggressive so maybe I will not have such bad side effects. But one never knows. I send prayers for your mom and bless you for being her caregiver.l
Hi Donna,
Yes I will be getting CAR t. I have already had the car t cells taken out and sent to a lab. I will be receiving them on October 28, 2024. Had to do a lot of tests. The final before the procedure is 3 days of chemo. Will keep everyone posted.
I also have had stem cells transplant in 2019. I am more than happy to share my experiences.
Thank you Deena. I will print this out and ask my doctors but I believe they used the word BCMA. They seem to think I could have as much as a three year remission. We shall see. I am happy to hear the cognition returned. They say it does return in most cases. This scares me more than anything.
I believe even in the past few months there is new data on all of this...which is why I wanted to wait thinking they would know more in a year or so but they encouraged me to do it sooner rather than later while my cancer is still minimal. Thank you for your response. Best wishes. J
What Causes Pain In The Shoulders And Lower Back With Those With MM ?
How Much Help Do You Really Require After ASCT? Is Having Another Responsible Adult In The House Enough?
For Those Who Have Had Car T Cell Therapy. How Did Your (or Your Loved One) Body Respond/how Did You Feel After The Procedure (side Effects)