"no Matching Staging Information Found For This Patient" Doesn't Every MM Patient Have A Stage They Are In?
I think I've asked about this in the past but still don't know.
Our specialist said he treats his MM patients with basically the same initial protacol if that makes sense, not about the stage but getting the numbers back to normal!
I choose not to put the people who are providing my care on the spot. If I asked my doctors and they gave me something negative, I wouldn't believe them anyway. I check my lab reports every visit and judge for myself the progress I am making or what needs improvement. The wise words someone wrote in this forum always provide the best guidance. "This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon."
We don't have an expiration date on us anywhere. No one knows anything in stages per say.
Hi Bob, a myeloma panel does monitor our myeloma pretty closely. I guess I'm hoping to reach mrd negative state so I can think about stopping some of my maintenance drugs.
I had my one and only to date, bone marrow biopsy at Mayo two months after my transplant in 09/21.
I asked my Dr in Vegas if maybe I should have one now and then and he told me I get more results from monitoring your blood. That’s fine with me.
After the first of the year we are moving. 50% of the reason is the third world country health care in Az. I’m strung out across three states so that is going to change. We do love Mayo Clinic but it’s 200 miles away. We are going to an area with a University of Utah health care facility five minutes away. Huntsman Cancer center is just down the road about 20 miles.
Someone Posted That His Diet Had Driven His Bad Myeloma #s Way Down, With Specifics On The Changes. Please Repost Or Send To Me. Thks.
Does The Article Have An Error (a Missing "not") In The Sentence Just Above "DETECTING MGUS?" Should It Read "and It's NOT Necessarily. . .?
Cancer Staging..