Do Any Of You, Who Have Neuropathy In You Feet, Experience Swelling Of Your Feet?
Kathryn and Robert Monteiro thanks for the hugs. Ron I was the same physically before MM and now I need to use a walker in the house and outside and also a cane when I go to appointments but at least I have am not in a wheelchair yet and I figure if I wake up in the morning it’s a good day because I have been given really a lot of extra years of life,it’s been 22years.
I exercise every day. However, I do have poor circulation in my feet. Massaging it seems to help a bit. Elevating my feet, and sleeping with my feet elevated also helps.
It’s likely to be edema. Fluid retention due to poor circulation which is a side effect from treatment or just getting old.
Typically diet and exercise are the treatment but you might want to get it checked
Tom, In addition to B12 I would also suggest R-alpha lipoic acid. I take b12 2000mg and 900mg R-alpha lipoic acid daily. There are also various drugs out there to help with pain but in my case I can't take most of them do to kidney disease caused by MM. The ones I could take such as gabapentin didn't make a difference at all. It just added fatigue. I also tried many many different creams that I found no relief from. Good luck Tom
A while back, I had swelling in my left foot and ankle. My NP suggested stopping my use of amlodipine, which I had been taking a couple of years for high blood pressure. Further research on my part and I read that my feet should be elevated when sleeping. Our house is nearly 100 years old. The floor in my office, where I now sleep slants slightly. I changed sleeping positions to where my feet are slightly uphill from the rest of me. I noticed fast results, with the swelling disappearing in a couple of days. I still have a mild, very occasional neuropathy in the same foot/ankle and have begun taking B 12 once a day.
What Do You Do For Neuropathy Of Feet
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