Has Anyone Had Issues/side Effects From Curcumin?
I took Curcumin several months ago and then stopped. I've started again and wondering about side effects, if any.
I have been taking Turmeric for several years, seems to help inflammation. Has a lot of curcUmin along with black pepper and I have never had any side effects from it.
Kathryn, I take two capsules of Super Bio-Curcumin from Life Extension each day. I have been doing fine with two capsules.
I’ve taken 4 grams of curcumin daily for several years. I take physicians natural with bioperine to help absorption. I had slight stomach issues at first. I kept trying more but settled on 4 grams daily. I have a ton of pain issues so I’m not sure it’s helping with inflammation. I take it because it has been known to kill off myeloma cancer cells. I’m still NDD 4 years post transplant and two of those years taking curcumin. I get bad leg cramps from time to time. My oncologist/hematologist rolled his eyes when I told him about curcumin. I have since found a ton of info about curcumin and Myeloma on Pub Med.
Just to correct myself. I take Coq10 for side effects of lipitor for me. I do take tumeric for the inflamation properties. Not leg cramps. I made a mistake in what I claimed..forgive me.
Oops! I claimed to take the wrong drug for side effects of Lipitor..I take 200 mg of COQ10 FOR CRAMPS IN MY LEGS.
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