After SCT Any Issues
I had my SCT on June 17, I cannot get passed being exhausted all the time. I have tried resting for days and have been active. Still the same. It’s the only issues I have experienced this far along. I have my PET scan and Bone Marrow Biopsy the middle of September. Does any one have any suggestions.. thanks
Just keep fighting the good fight. If you can walk down the hall start there and walk down the hall a few times a day. improvement will come with time. You are a warrior and keep at it.
I was completely exhausted for a solid 9 weeks, couldn’t do anything…you aren’t even quite 3 months…I had mine 04/2024 and have fatigue at the end of the afternoon, I usually take a quick 20 minute nap and am refreshed…you may be trying to do too much, too early. Be kind to yourself. God bless!
There a lot of issues after your SCT and you need to go for the MRl PAT SCAN X-Ray check your eyes teeth check up vaccination and more to come arthritis hope that you will be able to do it.The MMTeam will pray for you and don’t worry we are here for you 👍
It sounds pretty normal. I have to admit it was probably a year before I felt pretty normal. Now, at three years out, I’m pretty much back to normal
I was sleeping 20 hours of 24 hours a day for about 4 months and it took a year for me to recover and I only got back to 75% I figure but they told me that I probably wouldn’t come back to 100% so I figured I did okay. It’s the heavy duty chemo that they give you in the beginning that knocks the crap out of you but what can you expect when it totally destroys your entire immune system. I didn’t have much of an appetite and everything tasted dry like sawdust but I forced myself to eat anyway because I knew that if I didn’t eat anything then I wouldn’t get any better. It’s not an easy thing to go through but it was definitely worth it for me because I gained 12 fairly decent extra years so I had it done twice.
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