Out Of The Blue , My Fingers (mainly Pinky ) Became Numb And Tingly And Achy. Is This Neuropathy? Can It Be From Pomalyst Or Dara Fastpro?
Sounds suspicious. Talk with your oncologist and healthcare team, but generally neuropathy comes with treatments and lasts for a long time. The resource articles can give you some guidance. My personal page shows some tips for neuropathy that worked to reduce it, but not eliminate it.
Sounds like neuropathy. Mine is much worse in my feet. The hands is intermittent. I agree with Paula. A TENS device can be very helpful and they are now dirt cheap on Amazon.
Good luck. I hope you find relief.
Does anyone use a TENS for neuropathy? I use it on my thumb when it starts getting boney growths on the knuckle.
@A MyMyelomaTeam Member,
I just checked my previous message. Correction, my cousin could NOT open his mouth to eat. I’m doing well. Was able to go to Church, but not much energy. It’s a beautiful day though.🌈
@A MyMyelomaTeam Member,
I bought the LaserTouchOne, I believe through Medicare’s plan , where they ask you to spend $100 every 6 months. About your neck, talk to your doctor. My cousin who has MM said the skin around his neck started getting so tight he could open his mouth to eat. He is now taking Ninlaro and doing well.
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