Have Some Of You,as I Have, Have Experienced An Oncologist Ordering You Not To Take Supplements As They Might Interfere With Your Treatment?
I have, frankly, not listened to this advice and have researched the best supplements to take. I believe this has contributed to my doing as well as
I have been doing. Larry2 suggested that I read Dr. Brandy's book "Beat
Back Cancer Naturally." I recommend reading this rich book. Dr. Brandy presents research data supporting the use of supplements in that they enhance the conventional treatment with chemo and often reduce the side effects of the chemo treatment. I am in my third year of… read more
I just researched Dr Brandy. He is a board certified plastic surgeon with many years of experience as a plastic surgeon.. And while he also has multiple myeloma I’m not sure i would trust all of his information about alternative treatments for mm. I think each of us has to make their own decisions as to what and who you want to believe. At this point I prefer to rely on actual proven data on what works and what might interfere with our treatment.. So much new research by expert myeloma specialists. Good luck to each of us with whatever path you choose. Ruth 277
One of the top 10 causes of death in the United States is drug interactions. That is drug and drug and drug and supplement interactions. While Pharmaceutical products must go through testing and clinical trials to prove they are safe and effective, so called supplements are exempt from this requirement no matter what is claimed about them. Their purity and ingredients are not regulated to the same (or in some cases any) standards and no matter what is claimed, FDA is not allowed to treat most of them as drug products. Claims for most supplements are supported only by word-of-mouth experiences of a few users or personal testimonials. I know there are many supplements that do work/meet their claims but the industry is not regulated the same for consistency and purity. If we use these products we do so at our own risk. We should push congress to require evidence of safety and effectiveness for all products for which claims (word-of-mouth as well as published) are made so that we can be safe in our use of these products and to prevent interactions with the drugs that keep us alive.
Alway have a second opinion in supplements. It varies a lot with your body chemistry.
Of course one should not take any treatment without supportive evidence as to efficacy.
Thanks BillDodenhoff. Bill, I hope that you are doing well.
If You Were A Hematologist/Oncologist Who Specializes In MM, What Would You Do?
Why Is D3 & K2 Important To Take With Your Calcium Supplement?
Can We Eat Or Drink To Boost Our Immune System?