In the summer of 2022, a few months before diagnosis my puppy would routinely sniff my shins. I remember reading years ago that dogs smell cancer. Sure enough by October it was raging.
She has sniffed my shins again 3 times including this morning.
Am I relapsing just over a year in “remission” or did I spill ice cream?
A year to relapse is not good. Life expectancy is projected to be shortened.
Will get chemo maintenance shots in six days along with full blood panel.
Feel ok except for… read more
Hi Kathryn, that is a great idea. I do not know what happened. He was so kind and active helping team members with his posts and lovely puppy videos. Hopefully just a small vacation. Prayers for the wellbeing of Mark. You are missed here. 🌹
Let me explain @A MyMyelomaTeam Member and @A MyMyelomaTeam Member
Suzy, the Cancer Detector Par Excellence has a very distinctive way of sniffing my shins.
She will approach me directly and sniff one or both shins above the foot. When she did it in July 2022 I thought cancer but felt fine except for always having to take a nap.
So she has done the same unique smell again. This is through my pants. All I can do is wait.
I’m not worried because there are other drugs to keep it at bay. I am worried because if you relapse quickly your chances of a long overall survival are greatly diminished.
I just want to stay vertical as long as possible because life is too exciting to leave.
This is a lesson for all of us. Tell your loved ones your user name and password and share your news good or bad, when you can’t. Then we would know to pray for healing if they are in the hospital or pray for the dead and that they may be with God in eternal life.🌹
My latest Clonoseq report shows I’m not relapsing. With my current treatment the report shows I’m close to MRD, 1-2 clonal cells per million.
Dang!! We need a cure.
Hello My Beautiful MM Family, I Had A SCT, In October, I’m Feeling Great, What Are The Chances Of Relapsing After A Sct? Thank You
I Start Carfilzomib On 1/15, After Relapsing From Revlamid, VelcadePomalyst:Darzalex: Would Someone Share Your Side Effects
I'm Near The End Of My Induction Phase. I'm Wondering How Long On Average Folks Have Been In Remission Before Relapsing