I Have Added People To My Team But What Do I Do When They Say Add Me To Your Team? Isn’t It Automatic When Someone Adds Me?
When someone asks you to add them to your team on MyMyelomaTeam, it's not automatic. You need to manually add them by clicking the "add to team" button, which you can find on their profile page or next to their posts in the Activity Feed. This action is necessary even if they have added you to their team first.
This AI-generated response comes from MyMyelomaTeam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.
Thank you!
No it not automatic, unless you click on the link to make it automatic. It just pops up to ask me if I want to add people automatically.
Hi Laurie - just tap on the persons name and then click on the little icon in the right upper corner (the person with the plus mark).
I’m Having Trouble Adding New Members To My Team. They Have Added Me But What Do I Do To Add Them Back To My Team? Thank You So Much.
Adding To Team
How Do You Add Someone To Your Team