I Have Had Severe Back Pain For Months My Oncologist Has Not Offered Me Any Treatment For It.Why?
This back pain is really debilitating,in fact it is making my life a misery.I keep telling the doctors about it but nothing ever seems to get done about it.Some days it is so bad it almost brings me to tears.I don't know what else to do,i try so hard to stay positive but this continuous pain makes it so difficult.It makes me wonder whether it is worth it.Sorry to be moaning all the time,but i really am on a downer at the moment.
Have the doctors ordered a CT Scan, MRI or PET scan? If not, why not? MM causes bone fractures and pain. You should also be getting appropriate pain medicine. Don’t take “No” for an answer. You know your pain better than they do. You deserve the right treatment. Are you seeing a MM Specialist? I wasn’t. I’m glad I switched.
Had the similar problem, especially in the lower back, actually my spine. Come to find out had L1 vertebra fracture (VCF),then L2, L3 and L4 and then 3 middle of back surgeon filled with cement. Middle back was very much better but not lower back. Doctor would not do anything to lower vertebrates. The healed themselves but it took 3 years. Can now put pressure on my lower spine. Myeloma #1 damage is the spine. Went to a spine surgeon. You really need to see a spine specialist. Think my problems are typical. Your problem could be different. Hearth goes out to you. Use a cane, it helps. I still use one too much.
I have back pain, too. Some days are worse than others. My primary care Dr gave me hydrocodone/Tylenol rx that helps and my oncologist gave me script for muscle relaxer. Sometimes I have to take both. Biofreeze can b relieving sometimes. Hope this helps.
I Have Been Diagnosed With SMM And Have Started Treatment… Should I Have Gotten A Second Opinion Before Starting Treatments?
I Was Diagnosed With Smoldering Multiple Myeloma 3 Months Ago. I Have A Very Confusing Dilemma I'm Dealing With. I Have Had A Bad Back They