I Recently Found Out That I Won’t Be Able To Track MRD Because They Could Not Get A Baseline Sample. Anyone Else Have This Happen?
I didn't know about MRD testing until I got a bill from my insurance company. Emory actually had Northside Atlanta send my first bone marrow sample to the ClonoSEQ testing place in Seattle. I'm sorry your sample wasn't adequate. But you will do great anyway🥰
Hi Donna, Thank you for your response! It is surprising to me that the first sample is not sent off for testing right away. I guess my doctor recently sent a sample from my first biopsy for testing but they were unable to get what they needed.
They can still do MRD testing to see how your treatment is working. They just won't be able to tell how your myeloma genetics are changing over time. Apparently that first sample at diagnosis is a big deal. Emory got my sample from the hospital where I was diagnosed and had MRD testing done on that first sample. I didn't know they did it till later.
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