My Husband's Numbers From His Blood Tests Are Perfect.But It Is Rare That He Has A Day That He Is Feeling Good. Is That The Norm?
I should have added, I’m allergic to cow’s milk, so I drink Cashew milk. Nutritional yeast can be taken with apple juice or orange juice or even sprinkled on your popcorn.
Is his Ferritin high but his available iron low? Has he had this blood test? This is what I have and I’m tired a lot. Nutritional yeast with unsulphered blackstrap molasses and a little dairy mixed together may give him energy.
Paula 🌹
My numbers were abd have been great even when I relapsed . My only clue that something was wrong was my pain..Is your husband in pain? How long has he had MM and has he ever been in remission? If numbers were good and he's not in pain the next thing I would question Is his water intake and what does his diet consist of. I have a very poor appetite since MM and if I don't feel well with no energy I check those things.
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IgA Myeloma
I Got My Labs Want To Know What This Mean Ig Freechain Kappa 325 High The Ig Flc Kappa /Lambda Ratio 123 Normal Range Ig Light Chain Lambda