What Is Going On With Dana Farber Manipulating Data?
Whom can we trust??
Yea, I don't want to get into the covid controversy, but man, you hear stuff like this and wonder what happened to the ethics and integrity in healthcare and science in general. We really rely on accurate information in research studies so we can reach our own conclusions and discover all the data has been manipulates. It sets us back years in developing therapies and cures for diseases because we wasted all this time (and money) on bogus research.
Arg, this make me angry!!!
The whole approach used during the Covid fiasco uncovered an unholy alliance between the big pharmaceutical companies, our government and many in the healthcare industry. The fact the virus was manufactured then denied by our government resulting in the death of millions has eroded any blind trust people once had in these areas. You must investigate everything as you cannot trust anything.
The worst part is we are probably only seeing the tip of the iceberg as the raw data is rarely scrutinized by citizen scientists in this way. I hope AI highlights this type of data manipulation such that it is discovered earlier and less research money is wasted on inaccurate hypothesis as was done for almost 2 decades with Alzheimer's amyloid plaque hypothesis. If you look up the article that broke this scandal (For Better Science) you can "see" the pixel discrepancies that would otherwise be hard to find by the naked eye. The images in the paper are sufficiently high quality to be quite certain that photoshop was involved. Thank goodness for the investigational research journalists who discovered this. This hits so close to home which makes this so infuriating.
It makes you wonder about all these new expensive drugs that keep appearing and who is making the $$$$
Are doctors encouraged to try these new medicines by the pharmaceutical companies?
As a nurse I remember using newer more expensive drugs then all of a sudden there was a shortage of cheaper medications that worked just as well as the expensive ones
We all have to educate and ask questions
Very serious allegations.
Does Anyone Know Exactly When You Get ASCT If You Are Following GRIFFIN Protocol? Is It Directly After Cycle 4?
Im In Remission 3yrs, Does This Mean I Am No Longer A Myeloma Patient? I Know It May Come Back Someday
Seeing A PA Or Nurse Practitioner Instead Of The Doctor