Does Anyone Have Their Own Personal Theory As To Why They Got Myeloma?
I know no one knows the exact cause, and it’s probably from a combination of factors, but I can’t help but wonder!
Definitely a risk factor. Have you ever looked into any kind of compensation?
I was just asked at our Cancer clinic if i was exposed to second hand smoke... that I was in abundance as a kid. Makes you wonder if that also could have played a part in the damaged DNA?
I don’t have a clue.😝. I never heard of it until I was diagnosed.
I don’t have a clue.🤪. I never even heard of it until I was diagnosed.
I grew up on a farm. So pesticides could be a factor. So eat organic if you can. I also use to redo furniture. Lots of chemicals. Plus I was a nurse that worked with implanted radiation therapy like Cesium, I131 and Cobalt. I'm sure that didn't help. My sister has MGUS. She is older than me. I thought she would get myeloma, not me. We had genetic testing also. There is currently no genetic test for myeloma, since it isn't something we are born with, but an acquired condition.
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IgA Myeloma