I Am Wondering Abut The Treatment Of Bone Lesions. Is There A Size Standard For Treatment? What Is Common, Radiation Or Removal?
I have a 2cm lesion on my hip
Thank you so much. I love hearing from actual patients instead of 20 yr old articles on Google. I'm sorry that you have to deal with such huge lesions. Wishing you the best.
I have a lot of lesions a one about the size of an egg in my sacrum. My doctor said it is best to hold off on radiation because it destroys bone marrow. He said if pain pain gets to be unbearable, radiation will be appropriate, but otherwise we shouldn’t use it. So, the amount of pain seems to be the factor, not the size. At least according to my oncologist.
Lytic Lesions & Radiation
Bone Lesions
Hello MM Family I Would Like To Know Why Do Some Patients Have To Get Radiation With Multiple Myeloma And Some Don’t?