I Have Just Been Diagnosed With Smouldering Myleoma. I Also Have Appts In January To Have Cataract Surgery. Is It OK To Get Eye Surgery?
I agree with Diana9. I'm sure I had undiagnosed MGUS when I had cataract surgery and had no problems.
This question should be posed to your myeloma and eye specialists. My first thought, personally, is if you wait, the cataracts only get worse and add to the difficulty of surgery. If your myeloma becomes more active and you enter treatment, then surgery then is much more problematic.
Yes - I asked my doctor prior and he said should be no problem, because there is no blood involved in the op. The surgery was eye opening (sorry for pun) - and I am enjoying the results. I am still getting used to needed reading glasses. Enjoy and good luck!! Tom
I need eyelid surgery but I have to go through two specialists and they have to get permission from my cardiologist. My oncologist referred her opinion to me and said if I get the go ahead- then do it. And I am in a chemo active remission. God Bless , “ T “
Ask your Doctor. I had mine done a year ago. Both eyes a week apart. No problem. Everything is Clearer and Brighter. It's an amazing operation .It's the best thing since the WHEEL!😁. I still need reading glasses which I had before surgery. I could have had more expensive lens put in but I would have had to pay out of my own pocket and it ranged from $500 to $5000 for each eye. I got what I needed and what Medicare covered. The only pain in the butt was putting in the eye drops . Good Luck. It's worth it.
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