Is There Anyone In Here That Had A Sct Around May Of This Year, Is Now In Remission And Decided Go Stop Chemo Maintenance? I Want To Stop!
Is your oncologist a myeloma specialist? If not, perhaos you could get a second opinion on whether it is best for you to be on all three of these medications for maintenance.
I just had my 100 day evaluation and have started Revlimid as maintenance. My stem cell transplant was successful and I am thankfully MRD Negative (ClonoSQ). I did some research before starting Revlimid for maintenance. You might find this research article helpful.
Thank you so much for the share ! It did help! My oncologist has me on Revlimid, velcade and dexamethasone. I wouldn’t mind if I was just taking Revlimid! I am so tired and sick all the time!
Hello MM Family What Is The Difference Between Remission And Cancer Free? Are They Consider The Same. Please Give Feedback.
How Long After Diagnosis Did Everyone, Get A SCT?
Has Anyone Decided To Forgo A Stem Cell Transplant And Only Do Maintenance Therapy? If Yes, How Are Things Going?