How Many Of You Know That Viagra & Other Male Enhancement Are Known To Be The Cause Of Multiple Mylomia?
Does anyone know if there is a Class Action lawsuit in the works related to Multiple Mylomia, and OTC Male Enhancement supplements which many have been proven to contain generic Viagra?
I think we all have to be very cautious here about spreading any rumors that could be considered disinformation. Unless somebody can point me to peer reviewed medical articles of studies that show any correlation between taking male enhancement pills as a causation for multiple myeloma I would consider it highly unlikely.
If the medical community had any serious reasons to believe, it might be a causation, you can bet that place is like the Mayo Clinic and other places where they do huge amounts of research, would have published numerous papers about it by now, and oncologists would be warning their patients!
I have to really question that one and see some peer-reviewed articles before I believe it. Viagra was (and is) actually a cardiac medication used on premature babies in the NICU. Doctors and nurses noticed that male preemies consistently had erections, which led to investigations, which led to studies, and now we have the famous erectile dysfunction drug!! So I would take any information with a grain of salt unless you are reading professional journals.
I watch most of the latest Webinars on myeloma. I have never heard of this. They don't know what causes myeloma.
I guess that wouldn't explain my MM!😁
I have high hopes that the new administration makes getting that stuff out of our food a high priority. I read the other day that Fruit Loops in Canada have 3 in ingredients while ours has 19. I also read that McDonald's food in Europe is totally different than what's served here. Keep your fingers crossed 🤞. Blessings!
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