Whom Can One Consult About Vitamins And Drug Interactions?
I have a list of about 15 supplements I take along with prescriptions Eliquis, flecainide, diltiazem. My neurologist prescribed Cymbalta for my neuropathy without even looking at my supplements. I found interactions on my on and am not taking. I want to have a sit down consultation with someone but with whom would I consult?
I have to consult my oncologist before on any med or supplement because our
Cancer meds are effected by chemicals and additives in them.
I have had good luck consulting with a pharmacist. I believe you can talk with a pharmacist at any pharmacy. They have special computer programs that help them find the needed information.
Good too be back after health issues since March off and on but recovering now.
Going and asking a pharmacist is your best option because they know the drugs better than your doctor does.
Patient Power just had an article about Vitamin D and Neuropathy. Have you had you levels checked lately? Also, my Mom took Nutritional Yeast (Bob’s RedMill) 3-5 times a day and never had neuropathy even after 30 strong chemo’s. There is no money in doing a trial for it, so they don’t share it.
Have Some Of You,as I Have, Have Experienced An Oncologist Ordering You Not To Take Supplements As They Might Interfere With Your Treatment?
Very Interesting Article On Vitamin D.But Which Plants Are Good. Which Treatments Do Vit D Supplements Interact With.?
Why Is D3 & K2 Important To Take With Your Calcium Supplement?