Can I Drink Alcohol In Moderation?
Glad I didn’t ask my Doc! 🙃
You choose healthier or not healthier. You choose beat or not beat multiple myeloma or let that disease take you sooner. Don’t lied yourself, be honest yourself, alcohol does not help you, simple.
I believe that I have posted this before: in the past health experts recommended limited drinking, e.g. one drink of alcohol a day. However the current thinking is that all alcohol, any alcohol is considered to be health damaging. I only rarely will
sip some wine or have a draft beer, but really only rarely.
Thanks MarkParker, hope that you are doing well.
The health experts who used to say that one drink a day was ok, are no longer saying that. All alcohol is damaging, is the current thinking. I have tried alcohol free wine and liquor. Neither is truly satisfying. A cocktail made with the alcohol free liquor is somewhat satisfying.
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