Veterans, Has Anyone Serving In The Regan Era Been Able To Get VA Disability Claims Approved For MM?
I submitted a claim for toxic chemical use/exposure while serving in the USMC maintaining AV-8 Harrier aircraft both on land and at sea, and was denied. Looking for other veterans that may have had success filing their claims post Vietnam and pre Gulf war.
Thanks for your reply Chuck. I’m very surprised that your review is taking so long. That may be good news. My claim was denied within months. Sorry that you’ve experienced all these medical issues related to your service. I wish you success in your claim and improved health. Semper Fi.
HI Mike. I spent 8 years in the submarine force. While at Apra Harbor Guam from 1/80-4/80 the Agent Orange storage tanks on base leaked into the water so for the 4 months there we were drinking, eating, bathing, and brushing our teeth with tainted water. I have battled kidney cancer, lung cancer and now SMM. I filled out a PAC ACT claim in 9/22. It is still under review.
Good Luck
I know our friend Donny who was in the Vietnam War and was exposed to Agent Orange and has had all his MM treatments including SCT done thru the VA. Call again and don't take no for an answer. Thank you for your service 🇺🇸
Social Security Disability
Agent Orange
The VA Has 'accepted' That Ed's MM Came From Agent Orange Exposure. We'd Like To To Hear From Others With That Diagnosis.