Once A Month Migraine Any Thoughts?
Last two months have had a migraine with nausea at the end of my Revlimid cycle. Wipes me out for two days. Anyone else experiencing this. Any suggestions?
I used to have headaches when I woke up. It turned out I stopped breathing for a full 55 seconds and needed a C-Pap machine. Now that I use one, no more headaches, and no more worry. My heart is recovering too, since not breathing affects the heart.
Jeff -- forgot to add that as I take Relimid I do experience some intestinal discomfort. I have found that Greek Yogurt -- with blueberries, strawberries and granola really calms down my digestive tract -- and quickly. It is my go to breakfast about every other day when on the Rev...
No migraines just fatigue
I'm so thankful I don't get migraines. My Mom had them, they are debilitating. Lots of new treatments for migraines these days. Botox has helped some people.
Thanks Robert, you always have such good advice. I truly appreciate your support! Hope you are doing well! 🤞
I'm Trying To Figure Out An Exercise Plan To Help Keep My Strength Up And Still Protect My Bones. Any Thoughts?
My Stem Cell Transplant Didn't Take They Don't Want To Do Another One I Get A Daratumumab Injection Once A Month. Aprox How Long Do I Have
How Long Does Metal Mouth Last.