Is Anyone’s Toenails Turning Black?
Hi Bob. My finger and toe nails got streaks of black in them. They did not turn all black and I did not lose any nails. My nails also got thin and brittle. I bought a hand and nail cream and that seemed to help. I am now two+ years post transplant and my nails are mostly normal. Most of the black streaks are gone.
Bob let us know what he says. I will ask our members ,at our next support group meeting, if they have had any issues.
Thanks DB. One of my toenails turned black before and fell off. I thought maybe I banged it but I know I didn’t. I just reported it to my doctor last week and he wanted me to keep an eye on it. Two other toes started changing color. I’ll probably have to call him Monday and see who do I see for treatment or if it’s normal for MM patients.
Bob my sister had breast cancer and she had two toenails turn black and eventually came off.
I am not sure if that is common with myeloma treatment. His nails did peel at times during his stem cell transplant.
My oncologist thought I banged it, which I could have, my short-term memory is gone from the drugs. So, I went to a foot doctor last week to get his opinion. He said it was a fungus, but I didn't need any meds. Over the counter won't work it would take too long to clear up. It will go away on its on. I just needed peace of mind.
I Would Like To Know If Anyone Else Has Problems With Their Fingernails? Mine Are Soft And Split, And Then Peal Off. I Have Smoldering M/m.
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