Back Brace?
Has anyone tried a back brace to help relieve your lower back pain? Anyone had a doctor recommend??
Don't wear it all the time your muscles will not strengthen. Work your stomach as best you can
My doc told me it was ok but don't wear it all the time your muscles will weaked and depend on it but she thought it would give some relief this was my back doctor?!
Thank you for the validation. Walking helps reduce my back pain as well. I was walking with a cane and this morning no cane! Walking is helping. I use the cane when Iām tired helps take a little pressure off the back. Have a wonderful 4th of July!!
Jeff, while I was doing the induction therapy VRD for four months I wore a shell front and back. When I was diagnosed in 2012 I had 5 fractures in my spine. The worst was a compression fracture of L2-3. I had a procedure done called vertebral plasty. Where a cement like liquid is injected into the vertebrae.
So I wore this brace that I called a tortoise shell front and back to protect my back until it was healed..
I used Voltanen (the cheaper generic brand) when my lower back and rib pain was more acute. It was recommended by an ER doctor and amazingly, it actually worked for me. Not 100% relief, but enough to skip the opioids and get to sleep at night. Man, this bone lesion issue caused by MM is the worse part of MM. And I can see from all the responses in this thread how lucky I am that it's not as bad as other. For everyone suffering from this, you have my prayers. Good luck on finding the relief you need.
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