Shipmates, Has Anyone Experienced When Sleeping Your Leg Get Stiff?
Shipmates, I’m having trouble. I wake up in the middle of the night and I cannot bend my right leg to get out of bed. It’s locked stiff.
I have to gently take my hand and softly try to bend it, to move. This happens only with my right leg. Isn’t it wonderful getting old?
Enjoy your day with smooth sailings.
Oh Dianne, I pray the radiation works well and you get your mobility back completely 🙏🙏
I wake up and when I get out of bed, my legs are both very stiff. My husband has to forcibly bend them into position before getting me into my wheelchair. I have Multiple Myeloma that recently took most of my mobility out due to a spinal cord injury caused by a tumor wrapped around my T1 - T5. Up until that point, I could walk 45 steps with my walker without taking a break. But, God has me and I did have radiation on my spine as a one and done. It will take approximately 14 days for the radiation to work to kill the tumor, so the hope and prayer is that it will reverse the current mobility issue that I have and I will be back to my former mobility. I will pray for you...I don't have any feeling in my legs, so thankfully, I don't have pain.
I have more issues with my heels getting a burning sensation that wakes me up. It is caused by poor blood flow when laying down. Sometimes if I hang my left foot over the edge of the bed it goes away. This happens more so with my left foot than my right.
For leg cramping and severe stiffness in my legs, thighs, calves etc I use the spray my wife found on Amazon. It really works and quickly.
Mike ( The Bassplayer)
Ho...yes, its more my right leg than left. Reminds me of being pregnant. So i practice stretching out feet...back and forth throughout day. Plus rubbing calves and eating enough protein helps me.
I also eat bananas, and it was a recommendation from my oncolgist. It works for me. Years ago my mom told me to eat bananas because it kept me from getting crappy (she meant crampy). Works for me. Maybe its all a mind set, who knows. I am 79.
Nothings There! On The X-ray. Miracle. """ Prayer Moves Mountains.""" My Daughter Is A Deaconess And She Gets The Whole Church To Pray.
I Apologize For Sounding Crude. If Urine Smells Like Period / Used Pads Is Reason To Be Alarmed. My Fiancée W Multiple Myelome? Getting Chem
Is Pain Level High And Need For Pain Meds Constantly Either Alternating Tramadol W Extra Strength Tylenol Mean Cancer Is Winning And End Of