Did Anyone Have Their Teeth Just Crumble And Come Out In Pieces?
Thanks I sure hope the dentures make it so I can chew a big TBone steak.
Yeah Darrell I can eat pork steak but have a hell of a time trying too eat a beef steak. I am the same way with peanuts and hard candy but I can crush peanuts between my one upper and lower molars on the right side but they sometimes stick in the back of my throat. I eat a lot of sandwiches,soups,mashed potatoes etc. I only have seven teeth on the top and six on the bottom so they don’t mesh very well. I am going too get dentures after the dental surgeon pulls my upper teeth but won’t pull the bottom ones because I could get a lower jaw bone infection so I hope once I get my dentures I can chew better. My teeth started going in 2015.
Good advice and they really don’t want you getting teeth pulled in the lower jaw because of risk of infection because the lower jaw doesn’t have enough blood flow too promote healing that well.
I am so glad your dentist knows about MM. It is too scary and we can be too accepting of things we are told. Ed cannot have any teeth pulled because he already has ONJ. That started after a dentist in the same practice as the dental surgeon with MM knowledge pulled a tooth. Sad that he didn't get the right surgeon the first time. When we were told to have all dental work done before SCT, we did that, but did not realize about the serious side effects of Zometa. On the occasion that he does have to see the DS, the dentist brings everyone in to the room to discuss Myeloma and ONJ. Everyone!!! Receptionists, nurses, hygenists. He is training people and maybe that can help someone in the future.
Wow! I only lost 3 teeth two lower molars and one top molars. Wish you the beat with new dentures and that porterhouse steak 🥩
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