How Many Of You Have Had The Evusheld Shot/s?
I was going to get it next week; waiting two weeks after the newest vaccine for COVID. I'm going to wait longer..... I want to see how others fare with it.
After my complaining that I was not eligible ( because I am in remission?), and now I want to wait anyway. Anyway, we'll see.
My GP said I was not eligible, but my Oncologist encourages it. I had a phone consultation with my Oncologist last week and I asked if he would approve my waiting . He said it's up to me.
I had the first 2 evusheld shots. Seemed to work well, no side effects. Yesterday I saw my oncologist (1-13-2023) and he told me the evusheld is no longer being given as the virus has mutated past the evusheld protection. He said the Evusheld may be available again if they make a small tweak to the recipe. I will wait and see. I believe and trust my Dr. implicitly. I choose to only go with the science. So far I am still here after 8 years, feeling pretty well. I had ABECMA CAR-T therapy on (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators). My numbers are great and I feel great. Now hoping for a long (at lease decent) run from the car-t. I never had a SCT. Also, have not had Covid (yet). Please only listen to a bona-fide medical doctor regarding what you should take or not. Remember, your body and history is different the those giving you "alternative" advice. Big difference is YOU have myeloma and chances are the others don't. Best of health to you.
My doctor recommended me to get evusheld shots. Got it with no side effects.
I had it twice over the past months and when the bivalent covid shot was available I took that. I read that the bivalent vaccine was more effective than the Evusheld shot against the latest variant. I have been in complete remission since my SCT Dec 2019. My whole family tested positive for Covid a couple of weeks ago as did I. Took Paxlovid right away. I was the least affected.
I have had 2 rounds of Evushield injections. The first round I had to wait before leaving to see if I had a reaction. I think it was 2 hours. I had no reaction, and very little if any side effects. The 2nd round I received the injections and went home. The injections were prescribed by my oncologist.
I had Evusheld last June, but it is no longer recommended.
Has Anyone Used Evusheld - Any Side Effects Or Issues With It ? Any Other Preventative Meds Used Besides The Covid Shots ?
Does Anyone Have Experience With EVUSHELD Yet?
Can Anyone Explain What The Current Covid Vaccine Recommendations Are For People With Weakened Immune Systems?