Lamdha Light Chain Disease Vs Kappa Light Chain Disease?
How do you know if you have lamdha light chain disease or kappa light chain Myeloma? Are there two kinds of Myeloma within MM?
Please go to International Myeloma Foundation website and put in different types of myeloma. Your bone marrow biopsy results show which type of myeloma you are. I encourage everyone to get copies of their labs and know what they mean. I am IgG Lambda for example. There are 2 different light chains. Kappa and Lambda. Heavy chains are IgG, IgA, IgD, IgM. Varying combinations of the above. Plus, light chain only disease either Kappa or lambda. IgM is usually associated with amyloidosis. Myeloma is not just one disease, but many.
There are several. IGa,IGg,IGm are three. Donna Andrews would be able to explain much more than me
Thank you @A MyMyelomaTeam Member!
Thank you @A MyMyelomaTeam Member!
What Were Your Kappa Levels At The Highest Point Before Treatment? What Was Your Highest K/L Ratio? Thank You, Curt ( Newfoundland )
What Does It Mean When Your Labs Results Come Back Saying Your Kappa Lambda Light Chain Is High
What Would Cause A Non-existent K/L Light Chain Ratio (with Below Normal Kappa And Lambda Light Chains)?