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Feeling Unmotivated

A MyMyelomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
Williamsport, PA

I was diagnosed in May and on revlimed and 2 shots. I’ve hit remission but and continuing treatment until I decide if I want to try a bmt. The longer I’m on the meds I seems to feel physically worse. I’m to the point where I feel space and would rather stay in my Jammie’s and do nothing. Do others experience this. It’s very annoying. I have things to be done but I don’t want to. I’m on revlimed bel case and darxalex

September 16, 2022 (edited)
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A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Read the side effects of all of the MM Meds - all of them have fatigue and many other issues that will make your day to day extremely difficult. Many are capable of inducing secondary cancers.

In the event that you've reached Remission, there's new Testing Methods and Case Studies that show its viable to be on Monitoring Mode without continuing MM Maintenance Meds.

clonoSEQ is the Next Generation MRD (minimum residual disease) Testing that can test, using a blood sample (not requiring a bone marrow biopsy), to 10 -6 which means no cancer found per million cells tested.

MRD-SURE is a new Case Study Report released in Jan 2022. Its multi-year study concludes that its reasonable to Monitor a MM patient with clonoSEQ testing and if they stay Negative at 10 -6, there's no need to continue with MM Meds.

If you can discontinue the MM Meds based on the above, you have a much better fighting chance of regaining your Normal You.

It won't be easy since Induction and Maintenance Meds are very muscle wasting and create significant fatigue.

I've reached 10 -6 and I'm now on Monitoring Mode with no MM Meds. I've been at the gym for 8 weeks now and I'm stable on my feet again. Its just a beginning but I have the strength and stamina to be doing Normal Daily things again.

All the very best in regaining your Normal Life Again.

Link to MRD-SURE Study:

September 16, 2022 (edited)
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Remember you don’t have to blindly accept any treatments the doctors throw at you. If you’re not feeling well on Revlimid, ask if there is something else. Revlimid was very bad for me. I won’t go into the details here, but my life changed drastically for the better once I got off it. It’s been the go-to med for MM for so long, I think every oncologist automatically prescribes it. But MM is one of those cancers that has seen many advancements over the years, and there are so many treatment options now. Take an active role in your cancer care. Have an advocate with you at appointments. Good luck!!

July 27, 2023
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

The reason I’m here is to help others. I’m alive for that reason. If I can even write an inspirational word I’ve done my reason for being here after watching others go, that should still be here.
When this all started on 03/31/2020 and I was still there the next morning I knew then my purpose for my time left. The old boy above decides when we’re done and for now you and me too just keep on moving. One of my schnauzers Lola in the photo.

February 5, 2023
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

My body has been telling me what to do about the fatigue.

Me, a lifelong night owl, bed at midnight ...

My body is now telling me Im pooped out by 8-9 pm, and that nothing really mentally productive and efficient gets done beyond 8-9 pm anyway.

So Ive concluded, go to bed at 8-9 pm, and "hope" to sleep til 4:30 to 5 am.

Then, get up, and maximize that first dark coffee and morning energy.
Eat a nice plate of protein, even just hardboiled eggs and tofu, if one is too sleepy to cook...

And then push oneself to get all important tasks done before noon.

This was never me -- I was always dysfunctional in the morning. My college classes were always afternoon and evening. Same with jobs.

So, as weird as this feels to me now, I know it is the only road to sane living ... otherwise, the MM fatigue will just sink me, and the To Do list will become so backlogged that I will give up.

Most important thing in the morning is any modality of exercise, and sun exposure if you can do it.

Exercise. though it seems like a daunting task for us MM folks with fatigue , pain , etc, will over time give one more energy, less pain, greater bone strength, less anxiety, etc

Its a TOUGH mental long game.
Keep the Faith !
Remember what they teach in business school about being both effective (getting the job done), and efficient (getting the job done with least hassle)
which is :

I read that professional body builders and athletes have a secret to disciplined body work,
and that is,
when they wake up,
they have arranged their lives
so that are ZERO BARRIERS in the way of their exercise session.
If they are doing it at home,
the home is free of clutter and distractions.
They just go straight to the exercise session.

September 16, 2022 (edited)
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

Health tree had a meeting yesterday on how to stay motivated to exercise, walk etc. Their discussions were tied to why do we exercise, etc. Many responses but mostly to feel better physically, emotionally, reduce stress. One person said they walked to combat depression.
My husband wants to be able to hike, cycle, play at the park with the grandkids.
I hope this helped. Have a great day❤️

September 16, 2022

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