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Can Anyone Explain What The Current Covid Vaccine Recommendations Are For People With Weakened Immune Systems?

A MyMyelomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
Fayetteville, AR

I have gotten the initial 2 shots and have had 2 additional booster vaccines. My last booster was Nov. 18, 2021. When I called my doctor's office to ask if I needed another vaccine, they simply said yes you need one every six months. I don't want to overlook the fact that they are coming out with new vaccines that are more affective against some of the newer variants. I don't know if I should just get the original vaccine or wait for one of the newer ones. I'm curious to know what is being… read more

July 25, 2022
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A MyMyelomaTeam Member

@A MyMyelomaTeam Member All I can say is if we believe everything the news media tells us then we will never know the real truth about covid. I've tried to tell stuff in my post before and the censorship is even here on this sight too. I did not get any of the shots. I got sick last summer, was pretty much just like the flu. I did not test for it. I had to cancel my follow-up appt because of being sick. After I had my follow-up and got home to look at the notes my doctor made on my chart, she put down that I had covid.
I never tested, so why did she just assume? And what happened to all the other flu when so-called covid was the push.
I do believe there was a different variant of the flu, but there is just way too much not being told that makes me smell a rat.
We have a spike protein we deal with already with MM, and one of those 'shots' was suppose to push a 'spike protein' into our system that was programmed to kill covid. A spike protein is a spike protein no matter what kind it is. It multiplies and multiplies and eventually takes over. It was designed that way. It would destroy what good immunity I had left. I would not allow that. I've watched a lady in our church have her health and life almost destroyed after being diligent and taking all the shots. She's had a stroke. She's had blood clots. She's been in the hospital for so many things. God is watching over her and he will use her as a testimony someday of all that was done to her. Not everyone receives the exact same thing in those vials and I don't trust.
I'm not telling anyone what to do, I just know that with everything I keep seeing, I will NEVER get those shots. And to be honest I don't think I will ever get another flu shot period.

March 22, 2023
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

When was the last time we've been told to take a VACCINE every 6 months? Does this even make sense...think about it.

March 21, 2023
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

I'm confused too. At what point are we immune? think of all our other vaccines? we don't have to get double dose of all those ones we received as children. They worked long term why is the Covid vaccine so short term?

July 26, 2022
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

My husband's oncologists (2) both have said to get the vaccine and boosters, but stop taking Dexamethazone 5 days before and 5 days after. Apparently the Dex counteracts the benefits of the vaccine. They also have said that researchers have found the vaccine and boosters are not as effective with Myeloma patients as they are with other types of cancer patients. That being said, they feel Myeloma patients should still get the vaccines and boosters, as they may offer some degree of protection.

July 25, 2022
A MyMyelomaTeam Member

I am slowly becoming against all vaccines of today's time. Covid was nothing but a lying joke. There were NEVER any testings done long term until they gave it to all the public that wanted it...and there are plenty of articles telling about all the vaccine injuries since that fateful year.
Sorry, just the way I feel about it.

August 7, 2024

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