I have smoldering MM but don’t see a lot of others here that might be experiencing it??
One thing I have learned in this wholly rotten experience is that no person or persons know(s) the full truth about the human body. I have had a relalogist (Kidneys) who said I have absolutely no problems with my kidneys or my bladder, etc. He told me this the day I saw him because I had just squeezed about a half cup of blood out of my night huge NorthShore pad, and spent over an hour working to get my catheter into my urinary space. Then my cardiologist said My heart was doing well, although most of the muscle tissue walls were over double the thickness (24) they should have been, and my tachy was showing up my skipping beats and Barrett's on almost every ECG. The real lesson here is that nothing stays the same forever, and no diagnosis catches everything. So be ready to adjust your mindset as your personal life changes with the genetic path. oldkarl🙂
I’ve been smoldering since 2018. Every 4 months I go for blood work. I’m waiting for my visit on Tuesday to get results. Hopefully I’m still smoldering. Hope you are too❤️
Hello PoppyJ,
Received similar diagnosis 13 years ago. Autologous SCT done at 70 years old. Faced cutoff restrictions also. Oncologist Insisted I was good candidate. Sound familiar? Medicare approved the transplant. By God's grace, l celebrated my 80th birthday last month. Grace, joy and peace to you and family...
I ended up with a bone marrow biopsy which showed I had smoldering myeloma. My oncologist said I was not showing any particular symptoms at the time and I had appointments and heavy lab work every three months. This had been going on about a year. I saw my light chain/heavy chain ratio gradually increase. Just this past October I had another Oncology appointment. Got a late evening call from my Oncologist saying we need to talk. My ratio percentage had gone up from approximately 72% to 124%. Anything greater than 100 is a true sign that the myeloma had gone from Smouldering to Active. I have the light chain multiple myeloma. I was started on Velcade (Bortezimib) injection, Dexamethasone and Ondesetron each week along with Revimid pills daily (14 days on 7 day off cycle). Going in next week for a Autologous SCT consultation. I am 71 years old and in pretty good health other than this myeloma. The new cutoff age for the SCT is 70 years old but could still be done on a case by case basis with a lot of factors to consider. I feel confident I will “make the cut”. So life goes on. Just rolling with the punches right now and we will see how everything plays out.😃
Just saw my doctor last month….still smoldering! Actually my protein number has decreased according to my blood work
StemCell Yes Or No
Has Anyone Used Solu-Medrol (shot) Or Methylprednisolone (pills) Instead Of Dexamethasone/Decadron For Treatment? If Yes, How Did You Do?